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What Clients Say

We needed to transition from a government funded organisation to a competitive client based environment. 

Virginia restructured the organisation to reduce costs, worked with marketing to increase revenue, managed the transition to a user pays environment and positioned the organisation for long term success in its new world.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Virginia

Terry Watson

Board member, Momentum Collective

Virginia brought a wide range of skills, great enthusiasm, real experience and a high level of team management that was embraced by all levels of staff across the organisation.

She brings out the best in people through the way she uses and shares her knowledge and awareness of business and change.

I would absolutely recommend Virginia for mentoring, coaching and facilitation services.

Mark Formaggin

Board member, Momentum Collective

Working with Virginia has helped me on my personal and professional journey and development, not only as a manager but also as a leader with my own and unique style. It gives me immense satisfaction to impart the knowledge I’ve gained and see my team grow. Virginia helped me be true to myself while respecting the right of others to do the same.

Ketan Parmar

Head of Service Economics, Transport NSW

I am able to apply a new lens to situations and people now, which is very useful in my ability to navigate and direct situations towards outcomes that best suit my needs and defined goals.

The ‘formula’ that we developed for approaching work and negotiations is very helpful and applies across a myriad of situations in and outside of the workplace.

I would highly recommend Virginia to anyone who needs good advice around strategy & operations from someone highly experienced, realistic, honest and very skilful at working out a pathway that is challenging in requiring you to do new things, but takes you to the next stage / stop in your journey.

Jules Livingstone

Project Lead, Atrium Ideas

I asked Virginia to be my coach because I was curious about how she helped leaders of executive teams make outstanding performance repeatable. She asked questions and listened and listened and listened. … I began to see my patterns of language, behaviours, and personal style that clients were referring to when they said “we liked ‘that’, keep doing it.” Now I can make my success repeatable, consciously rather than intuitively, and people I work with understand me better.

Dorin Picu

Principal, BPI Solutions