What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO)

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What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO)

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What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO)

Are there are days when your challenging well-paid job can seem too much, a poor trade?

Does it feel as if you’re constantly in a state of compromise, not spending enough time with those you care for, and not getting to the things you love to do?

You find the thrill of achievement irresistible, and you certainly appreciate the financial security, but at what cost to your sense of well-being?

The surprising answer is that how you’re spending your time is your choice. You always have options.

In this blog I’ll look at five actions you can take right now to start tailoring how you spend your time and feel more at peace with your choices.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.87″ background_size=”%22initial%22″ background_position=”%22top_left%22″ background_repeat=”%22repeat%22″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

Step 1 – What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO) – Review your schedule

  1. Look at your diary for the last few (2 to 4) weeks and write down the various types of activities, for example:
    • strategy sessions
    • meeting with customers or clients
    • financial and operational reviews
    • executive team meetings
    • major project reviews
    • sport / fitness
    • etc

Next to each item note whether you gain or lose energy from this activity. If you wish you could use a scale of -5 to +5.

Step 2 – What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO) – Where are you spending your energy?

  1. Review those on the list that drain your energy, and consider whether you can delegate, further delegate, or change the activity in some way to better suit you.

Step 3 – What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO) – Refocus your energy

  1. Review those on the list that energise you and look at ways you could put more of these types of activities into your life.

Step 4 – What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO) – Time-box tasks that don’t give you energy

  1. Recognise that it is unlikely you will be able to remove all activities that drain your energy.

The best way to deal with these is to ‘time-box’ them. Don’t let them reach into other parts of your day.

For example, if you don’t like reviewing operational and financial reports, allocate a fixed amount of time say an hour. Look at what it is you need, and can change, to be able to complete an effective review in this timeframe. It could be a different format, such as having a person present the information, or better use of visual representation of the data such as a dashboard that allow you to focus on a particular area.

Step 5 – What if you don’t love what you do (and you’re the CEO) – Make sure you have enough 

  1. Make sure you have a minimum of one energy enhancing activity every day. If this seems impossible then look at your balance over a week. If you really are struggling to do this, it could be worth a reaching out for some outside help.

Working with the right person can help you reconnect with what you really want to do with your life. Our lives are too short to spend them being unhappy for too long.


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